setting goals and making changes.

So I just signed up for NaNoWriMo.
Which, for those not in the know, is National Novel Writing Month. Basically from November 1st through the 30th, you're supposed to write a whole novel. It makes goals for you and word counts, to keep you on track. I feel like I'm going to fail at this, since I'm such a procrastinator and I'd rather watch Supernatural or Pushing Daisies or one of my million other shows instead of concentrate.
Plus poem writing has been my thing recently.
But what the hell. I'm living a little.

Random, but I have had killer headaches for the last few days. I wonder if it's because of my sudden obsession with music. I mean, I'm always into music, of course. But lately it's become this addiction, where I need it and crave it and spend my whole day waiting for when I can listen to some Rachael Yamagata or Sufjan Stevens. Calming.
Though earlier, I couldn't stop listening to Beck and William Tell (specifically Fairfax).
So I guess my ear isn't quite as discerning as I'd like.

And finally, awkward note: my frequent OC watching has caused a renewed crush on Benjamin McKenzie, aka Ryan Atwood. He's soooooo adorable. Why has he done nothing since this show ended? Why are there not more big strong protective Ryans in the world?

Though at this point, I'd kill for a funny, sarcastic, too skinny, incredibly dorky Seth.


Arthur said...

good luck with the novel, do they get posted on the internet when you finish?

taylor. said...

i'm not sure.
either way, i'll post it somewhere.
(i'm not even close to being good enough for publishing.)